Nozbe Tour : Getting Things Done via the Web : Nozbe : simple and efficient web-based productivity system Annotated
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
todaytest 03/20/2007
Changing The Site URL « WordPress Codex Annotated
WordPress stores two addresses inside the database. These determine where your blog files are, and where the main index is. On a normal install, these addresses are the same.
There are two occasions where you will need to access the database to alter one or both of these settings:
- If you have tried to alter the Blog URI or WordPress URI in Options and an error has occurred.
- If you have moved to a
WPDesigner WordPress Themes » Red Matrix Pill Annotated
I would like the about link and the rabiitHole or blogroll link pages to be listed. I do know where the style section is but do not have any idea where to place the links in order for them to be at the bottom of the page or seperately under the header. I did it a couple of times but the image disappeared and the whole blog moved to the right.
If you have time it would be great if you could tell me exactly where to put the links but if not I’ll work on it over the next few days.
You can go into the style.css file. Find #footer, #footer a, and #footer p.
Copy and paste it wherever you like, in the same file. Now change the newly pasted #footer, #footer a, and #footer p to another name. For example: #toplinks, #toplinks a, and #toplinks p.
Next, open the footer.php file. Find the id=”footer” area, copy that whole section and paste it in the header.php. Within the header.php file, make sure you paste it underneath all the codes that are already in the header.php file.
- After pasting, change the id=”footer” to id=”toplinks”
- Edit the pasted links to match the pages that you’d like to link to.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
todaytest 03/17/2007 Inside Washington: Ten Things You Didn't Know About Barack Obama Annotated
Ten Things You Didn't Know About Barack Obama
Compiled by the U.S. News library staff.
1. Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. His first name, Barack, means "blessed" in Swahili and was also his Kenyan father's name.
2. He says he hasn't liked ice cream since working at Baskin-Robbins as a teenager.
3. His childhood nickname was Barry.
4. Obama is the third African-American senator since Reconstruction.
5. He married Michelle Robinson, also a Harvard Law School graduate, who supervised him while he was working as a summer associate in a Chicago law firm. They have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.
6. As an Illinois state senator, he sponsored a bill to require the police to videotape interrogations in capital crime cases. Illinois was the first state to do this.
7. A school in his father's hometown near Lake Victoria in Kenya has been renamed the Senator Barack Obama Secondary School.
8. He loves playing Scrabble.
9. Obama and his wife bought a house on Chicago's South Side in June 2005 for $1.65 million. It has four fireplaces.
10. His heroes are Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, Pablo Picasso, and John Coltrane.
The Wind That Shakes the Barley - Movie - Review - New York Times Annotated
In Ken Loach���s movies ��� he has made more than 20 in the last 40 years ��� characters frequently argue about politics, which is only fitting, since the films themselves are political arguments. There is no point in combing through Mr. Loach���s work for hints of ideological significance. Ideology ��� Marxist, anti-imperialist, aligned with the perceived interests of the powerless and the marginal ��� is the engine that drives his stories. The clarity and force of those stories is considerable, but their bluntness sometimes sticks in the craw of critics, who often scold Mr. Loach for lacking subtlety.
Damien carries out execution orders from the Irish Republican Army.
But in watching ���The Wind That Shakes the Barley,��� his new film (which won the top prize at Cannes last year), it is possible to appreciate both Mr. Loach���s passion and his sense of nuance. Set in Ireland in the 1920s, the film paints history in stark colors and observes as they blur and bleed. Mr. Loach and Paul Laverty, the gifted screenwriter with whom he regularly collaborates, leave no doubt as to who the villains are in this tale.
From the start, when they raid an Irish farm, the British irregulars known as the Black and Tans are as brutal and sadistic as Hollywood Nazis. The atrocities they commit have an immediate radicalizing effect on the film���s hero, Damien (Cillian Murphy), who abandons his plans to study medicine in London to join the armed uprising against the British.
Injustice, in Mr. Loach���s world, ten
Intelligent Agent Blog: Social Bookmarking For Enterprise Knowledge Management Annotated
2. For readers of my subscription-based journal, The Information Advisor, it serves as an online supplement to the March 2007 Knowledge Management Supplement article ���Social Bookmarking as a Knowledge Management Strategy���
3. On April 15th, one month from today, as an experiment on this blog, I will share that full article, which also contains a detailed feature comparison chart of both fee-based and free social bookmarking vendors and sites here on Intelligent Agent
So���here we go.
In the March 2007 Information Advisor "Knowledge Management" supplement I discussed how social book-marking can be used as a means to share knowledge and find internal expertise���in other words to facilitate knowledge management in an organization. I also examined and profiled two leading fee based vendors that have launched a product specifically designed for enterprise use: ConnectBeam and Cogenz
In that article, though I also discussed how certain free, public social bookmarking sites could also be suitable for enterprise use���IF���they offered a ���groups��� function. In other words: the ability to create your own customized group where you could share your bookmarks within a own defined group���such as a workforce team, department, project team, or any other defined group. That article provided a list of social bookmarking firms that fit that criteria, and included a detailed feature comparison chart (to be published here next month). Those free social bookmarking sites that fit my criteria for potential enterprise use are:
- BlinkList
- i'm not sure what's going on
- post by shaydm
Improved font sizes on each resolution in ThoughtPad. There were some comments regarding the font size on higher resolutions and yes the fonts were bigger than what we initially intended. This problem is resolved now.
2. In the Insert Multiple Tas
- what does this say?
- post by shaydm
Friday, March 16, 2007
todaytest 03/16/2007
Wired News: A Guide to Getting Things Done Annotated
So project management is a cult? You mean, like Waco?
Not exactly -- David Allen is no David Koresh. Merlin Mann, proprietor of a weblog inspired by GTD, said the reality is "far less glamorous or menacing than this cult label." Still, with over 350,000 copies sold, Getting Things Done is pitched as a code by which to lead a tranquil, organized life, and many who realize the book's promise end up spreading the word to others online.
What's the best productivity tech?
Allen's company sells its own Microsoft Outlook plug-in to bring GTD to your inbox, but followers find all kinds of applications and devices to run their "life hacks." Mac users, for example, can use NoteBook as an outliner tool that replicates the look and feel of a ruled writing pad, while Life Balance even processes all of your tasks and to-do lists to generate pie charts depicting work time versus downtime. The 43 Folders wiki carries a good list of software recommendations for rookie time-management worshippers.
Luddites can play, too. GTD followers cobble together project-management solutions compatible with the book's philosophy using simple index cards, Post-It notes and even scraps of paper. Moleskine notebooks, too, are a favorite dead-tree palmtop for many fans. "The tactile experience of writing in a journal is very gratifying for many of us," said Marc Orchant of Albuquerque, New Mexico, a GTD practitioner. "The cool factor of having a life hack like the Hipster PDA is a Luddite indulgence practiced by people who have too much technology in their lives already."
David Allen Speaker Profile at The Lavin Agency Annotated
in a World of Too Much to Do
frustrations: not enough time in the day; too many commitments; unfinished
projects; missed deadlines. All leading to stress, fatigue, and burn-out.
David Allen, the world's leading personal productivity expert, understands
these frustrations and offers practical, cutting-edge advice on how people
can make all aspects of their lives more manageable, thereby becoming
more productive, less stressed, happier, and healthier.
Adding an incredible sense of value to any event, David Allen's popular
presentations provide simple yet practical ideas that improve productivity
within any workforce. Allen's high impact seminars and keynotes have been
a hit with audiences at major corporations around the world. Dynamic,
provocative, and inspirational, David's presentations are designed to
reshape the way people think. Introducing the notion that people don't
control their time but their brain space, Allen redefines the idea of
time management in a clear and entertaining way. He demonstrates the fundamental
principals that people need to follow in order to get more done in less
time thus resulting in a happier and healthier working environment. Audiences
are sure to leave with an immediate solution to lowering personal stress
while becoming more productive at the same time.
and Priorities seminar delivers core self-management methodology for handling
today's volume and intensity of communication, workflow, and responsibility.
David Allen introduces a revolutionary, intuitive approach to maintaining
a clearheaded executive focus in a world of ambiguity and overwhelming
commitments. These principles have transformed organizational cultures
and many lives. Immediately practical, David Allen's approach organizes
all pending activities within a seamless system, ensuring control and
successful completion.He offers highly effective techniques for dealing
with paperwork, e-mail, commitments, and internal thinking, while enhancing
creativity and flexibility. After attending this seminar, your team will
experience a new sense of relaxed control and a greater ability to focus
and accomplish meaningful objectives.
can make all aspects of their lives more manageable, thereby beco
Thursday, March 15, 2007
todaytest 03/15/2007
WorkLight��� is a secure and scalable server-based software product that provides workers and consumers with ���Web 2.0-style��� access to corporate data stored in enterprise information systems and applications. Timely information is delivered securely using services and technologies such as RSS, Ajax, desktop and web-based gadgets and widgets, personalized homepages, social bookmarks, application mashups, instant messaging and more.
WorkLight uses application ���adapters��� to extract data from enterprise applications and other data sources. Adapters are provided for various common interfaces, such as SQL and Web Services, as well as for specific applications.
As I said in ���the problem with RSS������, these types of applications are what���s needed to take RSS to the next level. The more data that is unlocked and made easily accessible to people, the more people will latch on to
Sync Google Calendar with Apple iCal via Spanning Sync - Download Squad Annotated
Spanning also offers a pretty cool plugin that sets up custom-filtered RSS feeds from Salesforce to your desktop. Here's a writeup in case you're interested.
It's funny that is so popular BECAUSE it's online (and therefore it's always up to date with the group who uses it) but NO ONE likes logging in to the interface. There are lots of apps in the SF App Exchange that help users avoid the dreaded SF login.
I feel the same way about Google calendars, I hate logging in! Spanning gets it, can't wait to see what they'll sync up next.
Quick Start for WordPress Annotated
Quick Start for WordPress
Create your FeedBurner feed and use it with self-hosted installation of WordPress 1.5 or WordPress 2.0.
(Using or WordPress MU? Show the MU steps.)
Creating Your Feed
For the best results using FeedBurner with your self-hosted WordPress site, we recommend Steve Smith's awesome plugin. It helps you direct 100% of your feed traffic through FeedBurner, ensuring accurate readership stats and maximum benefit from the many services we offer.
Download and install the plugin, then follow Steve's instructions to burn your feed and begin forwarding your default WordPress feeds.
For WordPress, we recommend the following set of services:
- Browser-Friendly Burner. It makes your feed easy to view and subscribe to when viewed in a web browser.
- Podcasting with WordPress? Then you should use SmartCast���. It will ensure maximum compatibility for your WordPress podcast feed. (Be sure to check your feed settings if you plan to podcast with WordPress.)
- TotalStats PRO. Our premium upgrade to StandardStats gives you much more insight into public awareness of your feed.
Verifying WordPress feed settings for podcasting
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
todaytest 03/14/2007
eMarketer: About Us: E-Business Trends, Emerging Technology Statistics & Online Market Research Annotated
eMarketer is "The First Place to Look" for market research and trend analysis on Internet,
e-business, online marketing, media and emerging technologies. eMarketer aggregates and
analyzes information from over
sources, and brings it together in analyst reports, daily research articles and the
most comprehensive database of e-business and online marketing statistics in the world.
With eMarketer, you understand the growth and impact of the Internet. Plus, you stay
ahead of the curve on new trends such as blogs, social networking, podcasting, mobile
marketing, and many others that are profoundly affecting the business landscape.
eMarketer's Core Expertise
Steve Madden SECURITY Annotated
- Flat bottom
- Fabric upp
IT|Redux - Getting Things Done with Office 2.0 Annotated
- Solid overview of implementing GTD with readily available web-based apps. - post by bconnelly
- ������������������ Office 2.0 ������������������������������������ - post by minichaos
- A goal has a long-range timeframe attached to it, which can either be the current year, next ye - post by john143
- This article describes my attempt at implementing David Allen���s excellent Getting Things Done (GTD) methods for personal organization, using a variety of Office 2.0 services. If you have not read David���s book, I respectfully suggest that you do so. If - post by jaehong
This article describes my attempt at implementing David Allen���s excellent Getting Things Done (GTD) methods for personal organization, using a variety of Office 2.0 services. If you have not read David���s book, I respectfully suggest that you do so. If you have but need a quick refresher on the GTD���s terminology and processes, you can download a simple Workflow Diagram and an Advanced Workflow Diagram for free from the David Allen Company website.
Workflow Process
According to the GTD, the first decision point in one���s workflow process when receiving new ���stuff��� is to decide whether or not the item is actionable. This might be the most difficult part of any personal organization method, and there is no fancy tool to help you there, just good judgement based on experience and daily practice of the method.
If the item is not actionable, I trash it, store it as a long-term goal or attach a note to an object, both using as data repository. does not have any standard object for goals, therefore I created a custom one. A goal has a long-range timeframe attached to it, which can either be the current year, next year, within five years, within ten years, or within one���s lifetime. A goal with a five years timeframe could be the buying of a house for example. The decision to use a note rather than a goal is based on the fact that a note does not have a timeframe. It���s a simple piece of information that I want to make sure I will be able to retrieve when looking up the object it is attached to. Using���s relational model, a note can be attached to any object, such as an account, a contact, or whatever custom object you might have built to store some specific piece of information.
If the item is actionable, three options are available:
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
eMarketer: About Us: E-Business Trends, Emerging Technology Statistics & Online Market Research Annotated
eMarketer is "The First Place to Look" for market research and trend analysis on Internet, e-business, online marketing, media and emerging technologies. eMarketer aggregates and analyzes information from over 2,800 sources, and brings it together in analyst reports, daily research articles and the most comprehensive database of e-business and online marketing statistics in the world.
With eMarketer, you understand the growth and impact of the Internet. Plus, you stay ahead of the curve on new trends such as blogs, social networking, podcasting, mobile marketing, and many others that are profoundly affecting the business landscape.
eMarketer's Core Expertise
Blog Work
research blank wordpress template with just middle page showing up
write this up
Using sidebar blog for new bits and pieces - *Radar Readings
Post titles should be VERY appealing - work on this
Demo, Tony Perkins
Tracking Site Stats
Google Analytics for general stats
Feedburner for blog stats
What Counts for email stats
-Finding ways to view all this data together (and see what it all means)
-Tracking automatically so that reports are easy to see/access
Small Potato, on February 3rd, 2007 at 11:41 am Said: