Friday, March 16, 2007

todaytest 03/16/2007

Wired News: A Guide to Getting Things Done  Annotated

    So project management is a cult? You mean, like Waco?

    Not exactly -- David Allen is no David Koresh. Merlin Mann, proprietor of a weblog inspired by GTD, said the reality is "far less glamorous or menacing than this cult label." Still, with over 350,000 copies sold, Getting Things Done is pitched as a code by which to lead a tranquil, organized life, and many who realize the book's promise end up spreading the word to others online.

    What's the best productivity tech?

    Allen's company sells its own Microsoft Outlook plug-in to bring GTD to your inbox, but followers find all kinds of applications and devices to run their "life hacks." Mac users, for example, can use NoteBook as an outliner tool that replicates the look and feel of a ruled writing pad, while Life Balance even processes all of your tasks and to-do lists to generate pie charts depicting work time versus downtime. The 43 Folders wiki carries a good list of software recommendations for rookie time-management worshippers.

    Luddites can play, too. GTD followers cobble together project-management solutions compatible with the book's philosophy using simple index cards, Post-It notes and even scraps of paper. Moleskine notebooks, too, are a favorite dead-tree palmtop for many fans. "The tactile experience of writing in a journal is very gratifying for many of us," said Marc Orchant of Albuquerque, New Mexico, a GTD practitioner. "The cool factor of having a life hack like the Hipster PDA is a Luddite indulgence practiced by people who have too much technology in their lives already."

      David Allen Speaker Profile at The Lavin Agency  Annotated

        Creating Order Out of Chaos - Staying Afloat
        in a World of Too Much to Do

        Knowledge workers everywhere feel many of the same
        frustrations: not enough time in the day; too many commitments; unfinished
        projects; missed deadlines. All leading to stress, fatigue, and burn-out.
        David Allen, the world's leading personal productivity expert, understands
        these frustrations and offers practical, cutting-edge advice on how people
        can make all aspects of their lives more manageable, thereby becoming
        more productive, less stressed, happier, and healthier.

        Adding an incredible sense of value to any event, David Allen's popular
        presentations provide simple yet practical ideas that improve productivity
        within any workforce. Allen's high impact seminars and keynotes have been
        a hit with audiences at major corporations around the world. Dynamic,
        provocative, and inspirational, David's presentations are designed to
        reshape the way people think. Introducing the notion that people don't
        control their time but their brain space, Allen redefines the idea of
        time management in a clear and entertaining way. He demonstrates the fundamental
        principals that people need to follow in order to get more done in less
        time thus resulting in a happier and healthier working environment. Audiences
        are sure to leave with an immediate solution to lowering personal stress
        while becoming more productive at the same time.

        Getting Things Done

        The Getting Things Done: Managing Workflow, Projects,
        and Priorities seminar delivers core self-management methodology for handling
        today's volume and intensity of communication, workflow, and responsibility.
        David Allen introduces a revolutionary, intuitive approach to maintaining
        a clearheaded executive focus in a world of ambiguity and overwhelming
        commitments. These principles have transformed organizational cultures
        and many lives. Immediately practical, David Allen's approach organizes
        all pending activities within a seamless system, ensuring control and
        successful completion.He offers highly effective techniques for dealing
        with paperwork, e-mail, commitments, and internal thinking, while enhancing
        creativity and flexibility. After attending this seminar, your team will
        experience a new sense of relaxed control and a greater ability to focus
        and accomplish meaningful objectives.

          practical, cutting-edge advice on how people

          can make all aspects of their lives more manageable, thereby beco

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