Why Your Company Needs to Be Here! Annotated
Why Your Company Needs to Be Here!
What makes WebVideo Summit 2007 a can't-miss event?
Internet video requires different choices and skills. Different rules apply to shooting for the Web, where video will be highly compressed:
more contrast, cuts instead of camera motion, foreground action rather than background subtlety. The quality of encoding can make or break the end result, so we'll have the leading engineers representing Flash, Microsoft, MPEG, and Quicktime to help attendees make informed choices and show the latest techniques. Attendees may distribute via a professional sale model (like Akimbo), a program or network creation service (Blip.TV), a consumer-focused site (YouTube), or their own Web site. We'll explain profitable models using peer to peer, including Warner Brothers at Bit Torrent and Mark Cuban at Red Swoosh.
The WebVideo Summit is designed to be the hub of the Video Internet. It will bring together the new pioneers of this exploding industry and will explain what everyone needs to know about shooting, editing, encoding, distributing and promoting Internet videos.
Don't think the cost of your product or service is your customers main
criteria when choosing your company as an equipment vendor ...
How can you
differentiate your company from the competition if you're not
How do you most-effectively reach potential buyers in
the least amount of time?
Attendees represent a channel of communication
to multiple influencers within their organizations, which extends the sales
message beyond just the attendee visiting an event.**
36% will share with
1-3 people
35% will share with 4-6 people
9% will share with 7-10
20% will share with 11+ people
How do you maximize the ROI
on your overall sales effort?
Statistics clearly prove that
decision-makers take buying actions at trade events, trade events provide the
highest sales call-to-close ratio, more marketing dollars are spent on trade
events than any other marketing or advertising vehicle and trade events provide
the lowest cost-per-sale and the largest profit margins.**
You'll meet the innovators and technicians who are looking for
your product or service.
Attendees include:
- Video shooters
- Network executives
- Webmasters
- Flash Professionals
- Internet Entrepreneurs
- Investors
Here's how WebVideo Summit will reach into
every corner of the market, bringing buyers to you. We commit to:
- Send direct mail marketing material to targeted lists regionally and
worldwide and distribute at industry trade shows - Place advertising in leading industry publications
- Partner with industry associations
- List conference dates on event calendars throughout the industry
- Distribute news releases to industry publications and regional media
- Publish the WebVideo Summit Web address [www.webvideosummit.com] on all promotional
material - Include a link from our online exhibitor list to your company’s Web site
- Offer the opportunity to add your logo or banner ad to the official event
Web site - Distribute promotional materials through exhibitors, speakers, related
associations and event partners - Send targeted email marketing to our top prospects throughout the pre-event
cycle - Provide customer invitations for the event for you to send to your best
customers, inviting them to visit you at the show - Offer marketing and sponsorship opportunities to maximize your exposure
before and during the event
Make your deal at WebVideo Summit 2007
Neil Whitney, Sales Manager
661-257-4161, email Neil
cluetrain manifesto - chapter one Annotated
We die.
You will never hear those words spoken in a television ad. Yet this central fact of human existence colors our world and how we perceive ourselves within it.
"Life is too short," we say, and it is. Too short for office politics, for busywork and pointless paper chases, for jumping through hoops and covering our asses, for trying to please, to not offend, for constantly struggling to achieve some ever-receding definition of success. Too short as well for worrying whether we bought the right suit, the right breakfast cereal, the right laptop computer, the right brand of underarm deodorant.
Life is too short because we die. Alone with ourselves, we sometimes stop to wonder what's important, really. Our kids, our friends, our lovers, our losses? Things change and change is often painful. People get "downsized," move away, the old neighborhood isn't what it used to be. Children get sick, get better, get bored, get on our nerves. They grow up hearing news of a world more frightening than anything in ancient fairy tales. The wicked witch won't really push you into the oven, honey, but watch out for AK-47s at recess.
Amazingly, we learn to live with it. Human beings are i
MediaPost Publications - Reign Of The Plain: Survey Finds Gen Ys Prefer Brand Simple - 04/20/2007 Annotated
A RECENT SURVEY CONDUCTED BY Outlaw Consulting, a San Francisco research firm, concluded that Generation Y trendsetters are more drawn to brands that speak to them in a "straightforward and stripped-down way, use plain packaging, and avoid excess," says Holly Brickley, an Outlaw strategic analyst.
Outlaw surveyed 100 of what it calls its "most forward trendsetter panelists" in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami, asking them which companies they most respected, and why.
The sample mostly targeted the first wave of Gen Y consumers, aged 21-27. The goal was to compile a "Trust Index" of brands that evoke "deeply positively feelings" among the trendsetters.
Most of the companies cited by the respondents stress simplicity, says Brickley, who notes that many of their favorite companies, from giants such as Apple to smaller newcomers like Method, are known for keeping things as stripped-down and unadorned as possible - not just in terms of the product's visual appearance but also in the way they organize their offerings. "Apple's computers and iPods are so clean and simple and easy to use," remarked one trendsetter. "No excess."
According to an Outlaw Consulting newsletter, the preference for simplification, lean-and-clean styling and all-in-one convenience could be motivated by environmental concerns. In other words, as the "green lifestyle" is something more and more people aspire to, the notion of excess has fallen into disfavor, notes Brickley, who wrote the report.
The Most Trusted 15 brands named by the trendsetters in the survey were:
Welcome to Web Video Summit 2007 Annotated
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