WordPress MU › Newspaper Like Content - Pull From All Blogs? « WordPress MU Forums - Mozilla Firefox Annotated
SamG, for your second request, I'd suggest a custom plug-in to keep a list of your featured posts. See if anyone else has ideas though, I tend to do things quickly that work before giving much thought to if it's the best way to do it. lol
Your 3rd request you could just hand code in the links on the sidebar, create a Page with the list, or again do some sort of plug-in to maintain the list.
Creating the plug-ins is pretty much the same, especially if you are just creating custom ones for the main blog and don't have to worry about everyone being able to use them. I've just been doing plug-ins for a couple weeks and I'm pretty proud of what I have made so far. The best one so far is a used textbook listings plug-in for the site I'm working on. I created some custom tables in the database, placed the menu additions file in the mu-plugins folder (so everyone will see the add/maintain menu when they log in) and the main plug-in in the plugins folder.
MobileCrunch » Mobile Game Goes Massively Multiplayer - Mozilla Firefox Annotated
Mobile Game Goes Massively Multiplayer
Posted by Peter Suciu
Fighting a war in deep space is challenging enough without having a lot of competition. But sometimes a little – or in this case a lot – of competition can really make for a more engaging experience. That’s the hope with Space Wars, a new ad-supported massively multiplayer mobile game from Cellufun. This free mobile Internet game lets players battle for control of the galaxy, and compete against up to 120 other players.
“The Space Wars experience is far-
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