Thursday, May 31, 2007

todaytest 05/31/2007

89-Ways-To-Optimize-Your-Website-For-Filthy-Rich-Customers  Annotated

    Filthy-Rich Customers

    Hello and welcome,

    Get ready. I'm about to share with you a secret system that will test your nerve. Make others think you've gone mad. And maybe even make you think you've gone mad yourself...

    ...but it will cost you nothing to try. It will cut your workload massively. And it will increase your profits whatever your business.

    And the best bit.

      Wednesday, May 30, 2007

      todaytest 05/30/2007

      Metrics 2.0: Mobile advertising to hit US$11.35B; Will Google stay No.1 in Mobile Search?  Annotated

        Mobile advertising to hit US$11.35B; Will Google stay No.1 in Mobile Search?

        spend on mobile advertising will rise to US$11.35 billion by 2011, up from
        $871 million this year, according
        to Informa Telecoms & Media report "Mobile Advertising Services:
        generating revenue through subsidised content". 
        2007, mobile advertising spend will more than double from 2006 levels to
        over US$1.5bn. 

        Infroma forecasts
        that search-related mobile ad revenue will climb to $1.5 billion in 2011,
        up from just $3 million this year.

          Tuesday, May 29, 2007

          todaytest 05/29/2007


          • Might be fun for the kids - post by bmassey

          Bit Blot

            Monday, May 28, 2007

            todaytest 05/28/2007

            This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

            Sunday, May 27, 2007

            todaytest 05/27/2007

            Welcome to  Annotated

              tress Relief through Simple, Daily Games

              Upgrade now!MindHabits produces computer software designed to help people reduce their stress levels and boost their self-confidence, using games that automatically retrain the way the mind responds to social stress. This patent pending technology is the result of a decade of research by scientists at McGill University, one of the world’s top medical research centers. The software – based on the emerging science of social intelligence – helps you practice the mind habit of focusing on positive social feedback, which in turn reduces stress levels and improves self

                Cerebral Vortex Games - Welcome

                  Tuesday, May 22, 2007

                  todaytest 05/22/2007

                  Remember These 5 Copywriting Formulas » Copywriting Blog By Copywriter Michel Fortin  Annotated

                    I used to teach marketing and selling at a local college here in Ottawa. And one of the things I used to teach with (I also use them all the time when I want to learn and remember new things, too) are mnemonics.

                    Mnemonics are tools or devices that aid retention. My best form of mnemonic are acronyms.

                    Do you remember the little ditty to remember all the planets taught mostly in kindergarten? It goes, "My very eager mother just served us nine pizzas," where the first letter of each word represents the name of each planet in our solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto).

                    Similarly, I use acronyms to teach about copywriting. I do this to help you remember, appreciate, and understand the process I go through when I write copy. Here they are, with their meaning (they are also linked to their respective articles covering the formula in detail):

                      Six Elements for Effective Landing Pages | Marketing Pilgrim  Annotated

                        MarketingExperiments just released a new research brief discussing how to make landing pages more successful.  As always, their conclusions are very relevant to online retailers and other companies who are trying to generate an action from their visitors.

                        A key part of the study involved trying to determine whether long copy or short copy performed better when the desired action was a simple email capture.  As it turns out, the short copy was more successful.

                        In the past, many studies have shown that long copy is more effective in certain situations.  However, MarketingExperiments believes that there are four factors that should influence your decision about whether to use long or short copy–the cost of what you are selling, the perceived risk, the commitment level, and the motivation.

                        In other words, if you are selling a high priced product, asking for a lot of personal information, requiring a time commitment, or using logic as your selling strategy, use long copy.  On the other hand, if you are giving away something for free without commitment and selling with emotion, use short copy.

                        MarketingExperiments identifies six elements that affect the performance of landing pages:

                        1) Friction - how much work the visitor has to do (this includes the reading)

                        2) Incentives - extras that are thrown in to sweeten the deal

                        3) Visitor motivation - how much they want what you have

                        4) Value proposition - the perception visitors have of you and what you are selling

                        5) Anxiety - the perceived risk to the visitor

                        6) Credibility - how well you convey trustworthiness

                        To increase site conversion, you should focus on these elements.  It is important to understand that few changes will in themselves make dramatic differences.  My company tripled our conversion rate over the past year, but we did it with a huge number of very minor changes.  Even very modest improvements in these six areas can cumulatively add up to a significant increase. 

                          Saturday, May 19, 2007

                          todaytest 05/19/2007

                          Testimonials - eMarketer  Annotated

                            What Our Customers Say

                            "When I need the latest trends and stats on e-business, I
                            turn to eMarketer. eMarketer cuts through the hype and turns an overabundance
                            of data into concise information that is sound and dependable."

                            Mark Selleck, Business Unit Executive, DISU e-business Solutions, IBM

                            "While creating our business plan for the region, we
                            combed through literally dozens of research sources to generate our facts and
                            views. After trying to extrapolate several different sources into one single
                            viewpoint it became apparent that eMarketer had already figured that angle out.
                            Hence eMarketer's perspective became our benchmark for the data we used to plan
                            our strategic intelligence around."

                            Tobin Trevarthin, VP Interactive Marketing, AOL Time Warner

                            "eMarketer is a highly valued and trusted resource for Avenue A/Razorfish.
                            Throughout the organization, eMarketer reports and data allow our staff to stay ahead of the rapid
                            changes in digital marketing."

                            Matt Wood, Manager, Supplier & Research Development, Avenue A/Razorfish

                            "eMarketer, different from other firms, compares studies and
                            gives a wide analysis of a problem, interpreted from different points of view.
                            Your reports are among the best available."

                            Dr. Alessandro Longo, Italian IT Journalist

                            "Quite simply, eMarketer is the best
                            marketing resource site that I have ever seen."

                            Larry Chase, Web Digest for Marketers

                              Thursday, May 17, 2007

                              todaytest 05/17/2007

                              Nantucket Conference  Annotated

                                The Nantucket Conference
                                convenes a small, invitation-only group of New England’s
                                most creative and forward-thinking entrepreneurs,
                                investors, technologists, and executives. There are
                                several reasons why this region's high-level high-tech
                                players consider the Nantucket Conference a must-attend

                                First, there are unique
                                opportunities for exchanging ideas and networking in a
                                relaxing, informal environment. We acknowledge that much
                                of the value of the Nantucket Conference comes from
                                impromptu hallway conversations, serendipitous seatings at
                                lunch, and walks around town. Nantucket is a place for
                                having fun, doing business, and making new connections.

                                Second, sessions on
                                Nantucket elicit the kind of real-world war stories and
                                insight that you don’t hear at any other conference. All
                                proceedings of the Conference are off-the-record, which
                                gives presenters a chance to talk openly and honestly. We
                                limit the use of PowerPoint and forbid blatant company
                                pitches. Also, since there is precisely no difference in
                                the caliber of people on stage and those in the audience,
                                there is always plenty of opportunity at each session for
                                interaction and debate.

                                Finally, this isn’t an
                                event produced by a conference company that churns out
                                dozens of cookie-cutter events each year. Nantucket is
                                organized by a group of people -- our Advisory
                                -- who actually work in the technology space
                                every day.

                                  Wednesday, May 16, 2007

                                  todaytest 05/16/2007

                                  Antenna Group - Our Approach - Our Services  Annotated

                                    Profile Development

                                    Antenna Group crafts its CEO program to reflect the needs and
                                    availability of the individual. Below are examples of some of the
                                    standard practices that have proven successful with Antenna client CEOs.

                                    • Dinner Salons—Each
                                      month, Antenna hosts one to two dinner salons at outstanding
                                      restaurants that bring together client CEOs and CTOs with top-level
                                      media and analysts. The dinners—on relevant, timely topics in
                                      the tech industry—enable our clients to network and
                                      ultimately create important relationships with influential media. No
                                      other agency has been able to imitate Antenna’s Salon success.

                                    • Speaker
                                      —Appropriate venues are identified for
                                      client CEOs to give company presentations or participate in panel
                                      discussions. Antenna has developed relationships with conference
                                      organizers and regularly places client executives in prominent speaking
                                      positions at industry conferences. We draft and submit speaking
                                      proposals, pitch organizers, confirm arrangements, and assist in media
                                      training and rehearsing.

                                    • Media
                                      —A 30-year veteran of the broadcast news
                                      industry conducts Antenna’s media training sessions for
                                      executives. Our trainer combines supportive coaching with attack-dog
                                      techniques to prepare clients for anything. Sessions are repeated as

                                    • Bylined
                                      —Antenna Group researches and identifies
                                      appropriate vehicles for client CEO articles. Using our knowledge of
                                      industry trends and the expertise of the CEO, Antenna crafts an article
                                      outline and works with the client marketing team to develop a
                                      thoughtful, compelling piece. Once approved, Antenna pitches the
                                      article to a select group of top-tier outlets. We extend the life of
                                      the byline feature by re-working it for submission to additional

                                      EconSM Conference - The Economics of Social Media  Annotated

                                        How do you thrive in an industry that seems to change irrevocably every few days? At paidContent and its sister sites and ContentSutra, we chronicle the world of social media on a minute-by-minute basis. But sometimes, in an industry moving so fast, it's useful, fun, and necessary to allow yourself a day away from the everyday to think, learn, and network alongside your fellow industry leaders. So on April 26, ContentNext Media, our parent company, is presenting its first conference, The Economics of Social Media, at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles. Over one packed day, in a series of large and small sessions we're designing to ensure maximum participation, we'll examine the tremendous changes social media is bringing to:

                                        Traditional media

                                          Gerson Lehrman Group Councils  Annotated

                                            Introduction to the Terms and Conditions of Council Membership

                                            Building the Mosaic

                                            Gerson Lehrman Group provides value to its clients by arranging projects with
                                            experts (Council Members) in numerous specialties. Our clients need direct,
                                            unbiased primary inputs and education on complex or hard to find/understand
                                            topics (which access to the GLG Councils can provide) that can help them make
                                            more informed investment decisions. Such inquiries can include understanding
                                            how a particular technology, drug or service works, understanding products and
                                            their acceptance in the market, trends in industries and the like. Gathering
                                            bits of fragmented information from various sources is often called building
                                            the mosaic or "mosaic theory" – which has been recognized by leading investment
                                            industry groups, the U.S. Supreme Court and the Securities and Exchange
                                            Commission as contributing to a healthy and efficient market for securities.
                                            Business leaders, government and non-profits also find that access to
                                            specialized expertise drives superior decisions.

                                            The Role of the Council Member

                                            Our clients value these inputs, but understand that Council Members are not
                                            providing investment advice and are not able to provide ‘answers’. This is why
                                            our clients come to us to speak with multiple experts on a given topic –
                                            aggregating tiles in the mosaic to develop a picture. It is important that
                                            Council Members understand that the value they can add is in educating and
                                            providing objective insight to our clients. Disclosure of information that is
                                            confidential or a discussion that presents a conflict for Council Members is
                                            unwelcome to our client

                                              Tuesday, May 15, 2007

                                              todaytest 05/15/2007

                                              18" Diamond Cut Twisted Cable Link Necklace 14K Gold, 1.9g at QVC  Annotated

                                                18" Diamond Cut Twisted Cable Link Necklace 14K Gold, 1.9g

                                                Retail Value $85.00
                                                QVC Price $63.00

                                                Introductory Price $57.00

                                                Shipping and Handling $4.97

                                                Save! Buy two or more and save on S & H.
                                                Click here for S & H details.

                                                A sparkling twist on a classic design. Diamond-cut 14K gold cable links are tightly twisted together to create this eye-catching necklace. Secures with a spring ring clasp.

                                                  Music Radio on the Internet Faces Thorny Royalty Issues - New York Times  Annotated

                                                    Since closed its box of digital musical delights this month to users outside the United States, the complaints have been pouring in from Dubai to Patagonia.

                                                    It is “a step back to the dark ages in the music world!” fumed Mario from Mexico City. Declared a user from Spain: “Why can’t they leave us in peace?”

                                                    With 6.5 million registered users, Pandora stands at the vanguard of the sprawling, global Internet radio market. But like other Webcasters, it faces an increase in royalty rates in the

                                                      Online Ads vs. Privacy - New York Times  Annotated

                                                        OR advertisers, and in many ways for consumers, online advertising is a blessing. Customized messages rescue advertisers from the broad reach of traditional media. And consumers can learn about products and services that appeal directly to them.

                                                        But there are huge costs, and many dangers, warns Jennifer Granick, the executive director for the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society ( To app

                                                          A Site Where Virtual Barbies Can Compare Their Makeovers - New York Times  Annotated

                                                            Barbie dolls collide with Web 2.0 with the release of, a free online community which Mattel hopes will pull young girls away from competitors like Ty Girlz, Neopets and Webkinz. Once children pick a screen name and password, they can dress up their own Barbie avatar, a fun process of mixing and matching hairstyles, clothing items and shades of lipstick. There’s no bad hair; in fact, every creation looks like a slightly different beauty queen.

                                                            Girls soon learn that some of the dress-up items, like that green purse with sparkles, are reserved for those who own a $60 Barbie-shaped MP3 player, le

                                                              A Nod to Journalistic Integrity Is Seen in an Editor’s Return - New York Times  Annotated

                                                                Who says industry magazines are cozy with their advertisers?

                                                                Last week, the International Data Group removed the chief executive of its largest-circulation computer magazine, PC World, and reinstated its top editor, who had quit days earlier over the executive’s decision to not run an article critical of an advertiser.

                                                                The editor in chief, Harry McCracken, rejoined the magazine on Wednesday after the disputed article, “10 Things We Hate About Apple,” was posted on the magazine’s Web site.

                                                                It was a hero’s homecoming for Mr. McCracken, who was praised on the message boards and in the blogosphere for sacrificing himself in the name of journalistic integrity.

                                                                “I was on the brink of canceling my subscription,” wrote one reader. “Now that McCracken’s back, I’ll stick around, too.”

                                                                PC World, a monthly magazine with a companion Web site that mixes technology news with product reviews, has a reputation for smart and sometimes hard-hitting articles that often offend big tech companies.

                                                                In recent years, it has criticized several of

                                                                  gocrosscampus :: win your world  Annotated

                                                                    Currently, online social networking utilities such as MySpace, Facebook, and the like offer both an arena and the tools for social interaction, but with a lack of inherent motivation to do so. A new type of social experience is needed, one that offers a distinct and cerebral motivation to participate – an interactive outlet with a reason to interact. Enter GoCrossCampus, an unprecedented endeavor to create a massively multiplayer social gaming platform and integrated online team strategy community. Capitalizing on the team spirit of large campuses, the historical success of massively multiplayer online strategy games and the marketability of bringing collegiate communities together in a unique and viral environment, GoCrossCampus brings custom-tailored Risk-style gameplay to college campuses.

                                                                      Monday, May 14, 2007

                                                                      todaytest 05/14/2007

                                                                      People Really Want to Help You | Copyblogger  Annotated

                                                                      • There’s never been a better time to be a bootstrapping entrepreneur using social media to build a business. Don’t hide the fact that you’re winging it on a shoestring, relish in it. People will help promote you if they think you need it, but there’s not a lot of altruistic love for big corporations. Small is the next big thing.

                                                                      • Don’t be a drama queen in an attempt to get promotional help. Manipulating the altruistic tendencies of your clients and customers will get you burned.

                                                                      • Build a community. Encourage interaction at every opportunity with your blog. Jump into your own comments section often, directly answering questions and thanking readers for encouraging words. Answer every email.

                                                                      • It’s up to you to give, give, give. You’re not being altruistic, because you do have something to gain. But you should give like you’ll never get anything back, and simply accept it when on occasions you don’t. You’re going to have to work hard
                                                                        • Friday, May 11, 2007

                                                                          todaytest 05/11/2007

                                                                          The Fortex Group Speakers Bureau - Executive Speaking Placement  Annotated

                                                                            bout The Fortex Executive Speaker Placement

                                                                            The Fortex approach to managing a speakers
                                                                            bureau program is simple: we don't submit
                                                                            what we hope is of interest; we submit what
                                                                            we know is of interest. We do this by
                                                                            working directly with conference editorial
                                                                            teams to determine the best fit among speakers, topics
                                                                            and forums. We work
                                                                            with the top management of some of the world's
                                                                            largest companies, and we know how to get the
                                                                            right kind of visibility for a deep executive
                                                                            bench. Our success is based on tightly forged

                                                                            Our successes include top business and industry
                                                                            forums such as The Commonwealth Club, The
                                                                            Churchill Club, Forbes CEO and CFO Forums,
                                                                            Stanford Graduate School of Management, Chicago
                                                                            Executives Club, University of Michigan Business
                                                                            School, Yale University’s Graduate School of
                                                                            Management, Fortune's Brainstorm and Financial
                                                                            Times Conferences.

                                                                            Pay for results, not promises

                                                                            We back up our promise to deliver results with
                                                                            actual performance guarantee

                                                                              Saturday, May 5, 2007

                                                                              todaytest 05/05/2007

                                                                              Media Analysis, Media Evaluation, Corporate Reputation, Crisis Communication: Cision


                                                                                  Techcrunch  Annotated

                                                                                  • Great blog with news and announcements about the "Web 2.0" products. Written mostly by Michael Arrington, with occasional guest bloggers. A truly unique view on Web 2.0. - post by codemonkey
                                                                                  • TechCrunch profiles and reviews new web 2.0 products and companies. TechCrunch is written by Michael Arrington. - post by freality
                                                                                  • great blog
                                                                                     - post by satchmo
                                                                                  • Weblog tracking web2.0. - post by drsnyder
                                                                                  • I wish he would have responded to's press release :( - post by mikepc
                                                                                  • Mike is "gesturing" that we check this out. - post by lkraus
                                                                                  • I'm using this diggo feature due to techcrunch's hot celebrity endorsement - post by tarajosette
                                                                                  • All the news and views of the latest Web 2.0 sites. If you like social networking, bookmark this page and hear about the hundreds that are launching! - post by dcruickers
                                                                                  • A weblog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new web 2.0 products and companies. - post by davemorehouse
                                                                                  he same report values Yahoo! at $50 billion; the interest by Microsoft is said to be serious to the point that world renowned bankers G

                                                                                    Good News Holdings: Home

                                                                                      ..::Real Girls Media::A digital network created by women for women::..

                                                                                        Threadless T-Shirts - Interviews With Threadless' Finest

                                                                                          Online videos: From home videos to premium internet television content | Veoh Video Network

                                                                                          • Thousands of free videos on, your internet television network. Watch and share your own videos. Tag and comment on other videos. Preview hit movies and see some of the famous viral videos heading around the internet right now. - post by stiphen
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                                                                                          • Another free video hosting site, only this was has no porn-free policy. You do have to make sure you turn the filter off tho. :-) - post by jasonbentley
                                                                                          • p2p video company - post by libinhere
                                                                                          • Internet Television Peercasting Network  - post by sciphex
                                                                                          • New better video shows on-line, TV & other things like these. - post by chanio
                                                                                          • Veoh is a new type of Television Broadcasting System, using the Internet and Peer-to-Peer technology is used as the broadcast medium. Unlike traditional Television Broadcasting Systems such as Cable or Satellite, Veoh is an OPEN system that allows ANYONE to broadcast Television-Quality Full-Screen video directly to consumers. If you have ever wanted to broadcast your own TV show, Veoh is what you've been dreaming of. No matter if you are a complete novice, or a large Hollywood studio, Veoh provides a broadcasting medium that lets you reach hundreds of millions of users around the world...  - post by ycc2106

                                                                                          Ontela - Powering Mobile Imaging

                                                                                            Online Postal Mail by Earth Class Mail | Remote Control Mail

                                                                                            • Service where you have your postal mail delivered and they scan in the information and you can sort through mail online. You can trash, recycle, ask to open or forward to your location.
                                                                                               - post by pdevlin15

                                                                                            URTH.TV - Home

                                                                                              Centeris - Making Linux and Windows work well together

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                                                                                                      • TreeHugger is a fast-growing web magazine, dedicated to everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally responsible. Our influential audience stops by frequently to check out the latest news, reviews and recommendations for modern yet green - post by kl75214
                                                                                                      • check out too - post by telecommatt

                                                                                                      TWIST Online : Cheap Chic Jewelry - Necklaces