Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sundance Channel Adds Social Networking for a Green Cause

The Sundance Channel Adds Social Networking for a Green Cause  Annotated


Sundance Channel Adds Social Networking for a Green Cause

July 11, 2007 — 04:17 PM PDT — by Kristen NicoleShare This

The Sundance Channel’s online component is looking to integrate more social features, and it doing so with the Eco-mmunity Map.

This interactive map will mark and help you find others that are interested in bettering the environment and living a more green lifestyle. You can find businesses, special attractions and action points on this eco-mmunity map as well, which is powered by Google. The purpose is to connect others that are concerned with having a more green lifestyle with the people and resources they need, based on location. Users can add their own markers to the map. Branching from this eco-mmunity map is an environmental forum, which includes blogs, news, discussions and other areas for users to contribute as well.

This attempt to facilitate the discussions that take place for the eco-conscious is a good way that an established media company can provide social tools for a great cause. This ultra-niche manner in which the Sundance Channel is affecting change is a good route to take, as it’s not overtly inserting social networking modules into its website, and it’s gaining attention from users by promoting a cause, while also raising awareness and

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