Wednesday, June 20, 2007

todaytest 06/20/2007

Digital Digressions: What Marketeers Forget When Thinking of Web 2.0  Annotated

    No longer is it about 'what do we want to communicate - it's about 'what do we want to facilitate!'
    Web 2.0 is a dialogue, it's a start of a love-affair, it's a discussion that takes twists and turns depending on who is having the conversation and what the topic is. It's fun to talk to someone if they show they listen to what you have to say and respond accordingly. It's even better when they can put you in touch with other people just like you. It's extremely boring when you feel like you are talking to a wall. It's really that simple - but what it means is that smokescreens become harder to maintain. After all, not everyone is David Copperfield and besides, if everyone's rating everything and all views are public - you don't even want to be David Copperfield, you have to be you and be good, because what goes around comes around.

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